Sunday, October 23, 2011

Guy-Philippe Goldstein: How cyberattacks threaten real-world peace | Video on

Check out this video, it talks about the effects of world peace if cyber attacks are what we are worrying about. It goes into the topic of cyberterrorism and the future of national defense in the digital age.

Although cyber defense isn't the exact career path I plan on taking, I still think it's very interesting to see the ways we are now thinking about confronting the problems that are threatening the world today. My dad works with Cent Com and for a while held the position of an Electronic Warfare Officer (EWO). This position blew my mind when I first heard of it around 10 years ago- how could war be conducted through an electronic medium?! This Ted Talk is great for outlining what exactly is going on now, and what we have to worry about in the future. Like I said before, although I don't plan on taking on electronic defense, it will probably play a major role in how I work whether it's updating programs on my computer to make sure foreign hackers don't get into anything, or the different security measures taken when I want to publish. The fact of the matter is that national security isn't just limited to tanks and bombs, it now involves people who are simply sitting behind a computer screen at a desk just anyone else. Being aware of what they can do to offend or defend is revolutionary in itself, and I think that people should be aware of the different measures in the usage of technology.

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